Many administrators of Facebook Pages didn’t like the fact that with the latest Pages update, wall posts were shown based on popularity and not in a chronological way. This new default view implied that most recent posts with no interactions quickly disappeared from the wall and that updates that have received a lot of Likes and comments stayed on top of the wall.
Facebook incorporated the constructive criticism and now leaves the decision whether to show a chronological stream of updates or based on popularity to the page admins.
Admins can change the setting with a filter which is situated on the top right-hand side of your page wall. Choose “Top Posts” if you want to present the most ‘relevant’ (or discussed) posts to your fan base and choose “Most Recent” if you want to give every fan an equal voice independent of interactions but dependent on chronology.
Now, there is no difference anymore between what admins see and what your fans see.
Tags: Facebook, Facebook Pages
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