Google launches +1 and counters Facebook Like Button with own Recommendation Tool

Google just launched its own recommendation tool and gets social. The tool with the name ‘+1‘ is the answer to Facebook’s very popular Like button. People can use +1 to rate search results in Google’s SERPs and to value useful and relevant websites or adwords ads, provided that they have a Google account.

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Google +1

After you +1’d a website, your friends and contacts (contatcs of Gmail contact list, chat contacts in Google Talk as well as contacts in Google Buzz and Google Reader) will see that you recommend a specific search result. In the future, also Twitter contacts could count as contact, a Google employee said.

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Klaus +1’d Socialmedialogue

It is no secret that Google is working on his own social network called ‘Google Circles’ or ‘Google Me’. If Google manages to convince it’s users to join the social network, +1 could become a very powerful tool and alternative to Facebook’s Like. The next step will be that Google rolls out a +1 button to implement on websites making it easy to recommend pages after one visited them. By adding the +1 Button, website owners could attract more and better qualified site traffic since visitors might see personalized recommendations on search results more often. Facebook proves every day which impact the like button has on the social behaviour of its members.

If your friends and web contacts who share the same interest recommend a specific website the content might also be interesting and relevant for you. That’s why it might well be that +1will have an impact on search rankings sooner or later.

At the moment +1 is only available in the US-american search rankings on Do you want to test +1? Check it out!

Tags: Google, Google +1, Social Graph

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