How to find your way through the social media landscape

When you’re just getting started in the area of social media, you might get confused on all the different social media platforms out there. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and many many more. It’s impossible and quite unnecessary to use them all. You have to pick. It all depends on the goals you want to achieve which social media platform you can use best. Of course we will assist you in this process, but to give you a quick idea of which social platforms does what the best this chart of is very useful.

It evaluates whether a social platform is good, ok or bad in customer communication (i.e. level of engagement with potential or existing customers), brand awareness, sending visitors to your website and search engine optimization. It shows the advantages and disadvantages of 10 well known social media websites in regard to the mentioned four marketing goals.

If your main goal is increasing traffic to your website, according to the chart using Facebook and Twitter are not the best (still ok though) way to accomplish this. That’s why it is very important to first define your goals for your social media marketing strategy before registering accounts on various social media websites. That’s why with every social media campaign we always first research where your existing or potential clients are already active on the social web. Then we are able to align your social media campaign with your marketing goals together with you.

So have a close look at the chart (or download it at and tell us which marketing and business goals you have defined. Which social media platforms will or will not help you to achieve your goals? Do you agree with the chart, please share your opinion.

cmo-social-landscape-r5-9549881, 14, 07, 2021

Tags: How to, Social Media Landscape

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