What are the Top Brands in Social Media? According to the ‘Social Brands Index’, eBay is the world’s most social brand followed by Apple, Google, Blackberry and Amazon. The ranking is based on the ‘Social Media Reputation’ Index (SMR) and was published today by Yomego.
Top 5 Brands in Social Media (Source: Yomega)
The Social Media Reputation Score is derived by averaging the noise around a brand with its popularity. It describes the ratio between the reach and satisfaction of brand mentions and answers the question how many people of those who speak about a brand on the internet are satisfied customers.
Steve Richards, Managing Director of Yomego, comments the outcome of the Social Brands Index as follow:
There are some real surprises in the brand index. Brands that people are talking about online are not always the top value brands. Harley-Davidson, for example, has some of the most loyal fans online, ranking it at number 30 in the top 50 social brands. On the other hand, there are some brands that you might expect to be doing better. Smirnoff does some fantastic social media work but it is really inconsistent, which means it ranks lower than it could in the top 50 list.
The complete ranking of the Top 50 brands in social media:
- eBay
- Apple
- Blackberry
- Amazon
- Gucci
- Ford
- Samsung
- Yahoo!
- Nokia
- Dell
- Microsoft
- Disney
- Nintendo
- Toyota
- Starbucks
- Honda
- Sony
- Ferrari
- Hyundai
- Nike
- Coca-Cola
- Macdonald’s
- Adobe
- HP
- Mercedes-Benz
- Pepsi
- Harley-Davidson
- Burberry
- Audi
- Intel
- Canon
- Panasonic
- Volkswagen
- American Express
- Porsche
- Adidas
- Zara
- Heinz
- Ikea
- Gillette
- Smirnoff
- Cartier
- Louis Vuitton
- L’Oreal
- Corona
- Visa
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